Multiplying by 9: Math Tricks and Activities

Multiplying by 9 can be one of the trickiest parts of the multiplication table to learn. In this post, I’m sharing tips, math tricks, and activities to help master multiplying by 9. Read on to learn more.

photo of boy holding up 9 fingers with caption Math Activities for multiplying by 9

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Why is multiplying by 9 so hard to learn for so many kids? Those 9’s can be the trickiest multiplication facts in the multiplication table! No need to fret: Here are some tips, tricks, and activities to help these multiplication facts stick.

The Finger Trick

This trick works for SO many students. It takes just a few minutes of practice to learn, and after that, it’s a piece of cake! Here’s how it works:

  1. Hold up all 10 fingers in front of you.

  2. What number are you multiplying by 9? Start at pinkie of your left hand and count that many fingers across both hands. Put that finger down. You can see the picture below for how to count your fingers.

  3. To get the product: Count the fingers on the left side of the finger that is down. Those are the tens of the product. Count the fingers on the right side of the finger you put down. Those are the ones of your product.

multiplying by 9 math tricks ten fingers that are numbered

An Old Math Trick but a Good One

One day when I was in elementary school, I think second or third grade, the teacher had to leave the classroom and the principal came in and taught us math. He taught us a nifty trick to use when multiplying by 9, which I used throughout school.

Here’s how you use his math trick:

  1. What number are you multiplying by 9? Take one away from that number and it becomes the tens place in the product. For example, let’s multiply 9x7. 7-1=6, so there will be 6 tens in the product.

  2. Think about your tens in your product (6 in the example above). What number can you add to 6 to make 9? 9-6=3, so there are 3 ones in the product. 9x7=63.

hand holding number 9 multiplying by 9 math tricks and activities

Math Drills to Assess and Monitor Facts

Timed math drills - many dread them, but they can have a place and time. Timed multiplication tests help monitor which facts students know fluently (can name quickly.) By giving a timed test, you can see which multiplication facts are already known automatically and which need work.

If you’d like to try timed math tests to assess and monitor facts, I have a workbook of 5 minute multiplication facts timed tests. This workbook includes tests for all individual multiplication facts 0 to 12, groups of facts, and a mix of all facts. You can use the multiplying by 9 timed tests to monitor which facts are mastered and which need to be studied.

Games and Activities to Practice Multiplying by 9

Now that you know which 9 facts need practiced, here are some math games and math activities for practicing those facts and becoming more fluent.

I have a set of Boom™ Cards made just to practice multiplying by 9! It comes with 3 sets of multiplying by 9 math Boom Cards. If you’re not familiar with Boom Cards, check them out! They make learning into a self-checking and no prep game.

I also have a workbook full of multiplication table games that are sure to get kids learning multiplication facts without even realizing it! It has games for individual facts, like multiplying by 9, and mixed multiplication facts 0 to 12.

I hope these tips and resources are helpful for multiplying by 9!

Laura at 3rd Grade Engaged

P.S. - If you need tips on learning all multiplication facts, not just 9’s, I have a blog post with tips and activities just for that!


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